5 Signs You're Not Getting Enough Fiber
February 2, 2022
Fiber is an essential part of our diets. It keeps us regular, helps us feel full, keeps blood sugar stable, and is good for heart health. But most of us aren't getting nearly as much as we should.
"In our fast-paced world, so many people rely on on-the-go options like fast food, juices and processed, boxed snacks, but these foods have been stripped of their fiber," Heather Bauer, R.D. To get enough fiber (25 grams per day is recommended for women), you should be eating a diet rich in fruits, veggies, and whole grains instead.
If you don't get enough, it can impact your health in a few ways. "Short-term effects may be noticeable things such as an increased risk of constipation and blood markers such as blood glucose, HDL cholesterol, and triglycerides can be affected," Edward Giovannucci, M.D., professor of nutrition and epidemiology at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. "In the long term, one puts themselves at higher risk of heart disease, diabetes and perhaps colorectal cancer."
Here are some signs to look out for that may signal you need more fiber in your diet.
1. You're constipated or bloated
"The first thing people notice when they aren’t getting enough fiber is constipation and bloating, or any irregularity in the GI tract or bowel movements," Bauer says. Fiber adds bulk to your stool, which basically helps give your colon something substantial to pass.
While there are plenty of things that can cause constipation, your fiber intake is a good place to check first. Conversely, going from eating minimal fiber to loading up on it can cause bloating and gas, so up your intake gradually and aim to get around 25 grams each day.
2. You tend to get a sugar high followed by a crash.
This could be a sign that your blood sugar level is spiking when you eat. When you eat a food that contains both carbohydrates and fiber, your body takes longer to break it down. "It takes longer for the carbohydrates to reach the blood system than if one ate pure carbohydrates," Giovannucci explains.
"The body, especially insulin, can deal better with carbohydrates that are slowly released as opposed to big doses all at once." This keeps blood sugar levels stable, which is good for your mood, energy levels, and weight maintenance, and helps reduce your risk of developing diabetes.
3. You're hungry right after finishing a meal.
Fiber is important for helping us feel satiated. "Without fiber in your diet, you don’t get that full feeling and will be reaching for your next snack the minute your meal is over," Bauer says.
That's because fiber isn't broken down and used in our bodies, so it takes longer to go through our systems, Patricia Bannan, R.D. Also, steady blood glucose levels help curb cravings, so fiber's effect on blood sugar also keeps you feeling satisfied.
4. You're putting on weight
Fiber is important for helping us feel satiated. "Without fiber in your diet, you don’t get that full feeling and will be reaching for your next snack the minute your meal is over," Bauer says.
That's because fiber isn't broken down and used in our bodies, so it takes longer to go through our systems, Patricia Bannan, R.D. Also, steady blood glucose levels help curb cravings, so fiber's effect on blood sugar also keeps you feeling satisfied.
5. You have high cholesterol or blood pressure.
If your cholesterol levels are high, upping your fiber intake may help bring them down. "Fiber appears to decrease triglycerides (which increase heart disease risk) and increases HDL cholesterol ('good' cholesterol)," Giovannucci says. Dietary sources of fiber like fruits, veggies, and whole grains, have also been connected to lowering blood pressure.
Giovannucci notes that it's unclear how much of the benefit comes from the fiber or other nutrients in these good-for-you foods. "In any case, eating these fiber-rich foods as a major part of your diet is likely to benefit your blood pressure."
Fiber Finish
A powerhouse nutrient like fiber can help you manage your weight, avoid disease, and relieve chronic conditions.
But when you're ready to give your diet a fiber boost -- and have talked with your doctor about your plans -- take it slowly.
Too much fiber too fast can cause cramps, gas, bloating, and diarrhea. Prevent those problems by adding just a few grams of fiber at a time.
Get into the habit of drinking a minimum of 2 cups of a calorie-free beverage between each meal and to help avoid any problems.
A Mediterranean diet can be great for eating lots of fiber and good for people who are overweight, diabetic or looking to improve their metabolic health.
And, as with any diet, it will only work if you are consistent and stick with it in the long term.
That being said, few things are as well proven in nutrition as the powerful health and weight loss benefits of a Mediterranean diet which gives you lots of fiber.
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