Wouldn’t It Be Great To Never Count Another Calorie?

Discover The Secrets of The 'Mediterranean Diet' and Why It's The Number 1 Diet In The World

Hey it's Stephanie ...

Is 8 weeks enough time to “reset” how your body releases weight and become healthy?

That’s because it IS.

But I promise...

A LOT can happen in 8 weeks, like...

  • Enjoying the feeling of maintaining your ideal weight without counting calories, going hungry, or torturing yourself at the gym …
  • Eating PLENTY of food that you love… Foods that help boost your weight-controlling metabolism...
  • Feeling satisfied after each and every meal… no more stalking the fridge on the hunt for midnight treats…
  • Having FUN doing workouts that take just a few minutes of your time each day, releasing even MORE weight than tougher and longer workouts…
  • LOVING what you see staring back at you in the mirror, feeling confident and uplifted as you go about your day...

*Results are not typical and may vary.

All that in just 8 weeks!? You bet!

That’s the type of healthy lifestyle you can enjoy when you focus on eating the right foods, right movement, and a healing mindset.

And while other programs promise extreme weight loss by forcing you to consume very minimal calories, choke down pills, be in 'ketosis', or drink nasty shakes that leave you hungry, empty and lethargic...

Later on I'll show you how to protect your body, mind, and emotions from the REAL reason your body holds onto extra weight so you can see LASTING results in your body, mindset, and emotions.

It’s a simple process centered around particular foods and healing movements that will clean out the gut and the organs, allowing them to release stubborn body fat.

You’ll be enjoying delicious and DECADENT foods shown to support glowing skin, soothe aches and pains in the joints, balance hormones, increase energy, release extra weight and so much more!

Here's the thing...

Nobody wants to look in the mirror and get upset that they aren’t at their ideal weight…

Nobody wants to put on their favorite clothes and realize they’re too tight…

Nobody wants to feel ashamed about their body and try to hide it from others…

You deserve better than that.

And I’m here to help you through this.

In fact, if you’ve tried EVERYTHING and nothing has been working for the past few years, what I’m about to share with you will finally explain why.

Because on this page I’ll show you...

  • What’s ravaging your system and causing EVERY diet to fail, even if you’re trying your hardest...
  • Why your body has stopped burning fat for energy and is storing it instead (and how to reverse it)…
  • Why almost every calorie you consume is getting transformed into dangerous organ fat…

The best part is… this WORKS!

Because what I’m about to share with you has helped other women lose, on average, 18 pounds… 6 inches… and 2 dress sizes… in the Mediterranean Lifestyle Program.

I say “on average” but there’s nothing average about the results many of these women are enjoying.

Some have released up to a mind-blowing 36.6 pounds in the Mediterranean Lifestyle Program, when nothing else worked.

In fact, I can’t wait for you to hear their personal story in their own words. It will finally put your doubts to rest about whether there really is hope out there.

According to new studies...

Stress WILL Change How You Store Fat…

Especially If You’re Low On This 

ONE Particular Hormone!

Stress is unavoidable for most people. Especially if you have a family, career, or your own business.

But how do you know if you have too much stress in your life?

That actually depends on you.

When I’m stressed, I completely shut down...

In the past, I would beat myself up and reach for a sugary snack to numb my feelings. I would ignore my loved ones or get snappy. I would stop taking care of myself and shut off my self-love. I would find ways to sabotage myself and skip workouts.

But then I discovered how those “stress reactions” were damaging me at a cellular level…

And making it easier for me to put on weight.

Here’s what happens...

In your 20s your body easily produces the right amount of hormones to keep everything in balance when you’re stressed.

That’s one main reason it’s so much easier to stay thin in your 20s and even 30s.

But as the years pass, stress floods your system with one particular hormone.

Here’s How This One Particular Hormone
Makes You Store Fat Even If You’re Doing
Everything Else Right...

Stress produces a hormone called cortisol.

Cortisol manages how your body uses carbs, fats, and protein.

In short, you want less cortisol because it makes your body want to store fat.

When you have too much cortisol, it “eats up” a healthy hormone called pregnenolone.

Pregnenolone is ESSENTIAL as you age, because it...

Supports healthy brain function…

Inhibits cortisol which allows for easier weight loss…

Boosts libido…

Promotes positive moods…

Clearly you want MORE pregnenolone… and LESS cortisol.

But as I mentioned, stress creates cortisol, which “eats up” pregnenolone. This then makes you more stressed, which promotes fat storage, which creates more cortisol, which eats the pregnenolone…

And the cycle continues.

Even worse is the fact that your body naturally produces less of it each year.

And when you run low it triggers something I like to call...

“Estrogen Dominance”

As you may know, an abundance of estrogen can cause all sorts of problems, like bloating, anxiety, headaches, weight gain, even hair loss.

It can also slow your metabolism and force your body to convert healthy food into unwanted belly fat.1

This gets a little scientific, but stick with me because it’s very important. Here’s how it works...

  • High levels of estrogen increase a special protein called thyroid binding globulin (TBG)…
  • Excess TBG lowers the availability of T4 and T3, a metabolic-boosting thyroid hormone…
  • Low T4 and T3 slow your metabolism and cause fat cells to “balloon” around your midsection...

This is what makes dieting so frustrating.

Everything stops working for no reason…

The harder you try to lose weight, the harder your body fights back...

That’s why so many women have SUCH a hard time losing weight.

Even worse...

Exercising Too Much Can Actually
STOP Fat Loss…

As you probably know, your body turns carbs into glucose which fuels your entire body.

The problem is… at any given time you only have about 4 grams of glucose in your blood.

That’s less than one teaspoon!2

As soon as you start exercising, your energy needs go up, and your body starts burning glucose for energy.

But when you exercise too long your body can run out. This triggers a stress response that increases estrogen, even further.

In fact, in 2012, scientists compared the difference in weight loss between doing aerobic exercise 30 minutes or 60 minutes, 6 days a week. The 30-minute group actually lost 25% MORE weight than the 60-minute group.3

Pretty shocking isn’t it?

LESS exercise meant MORE weight loss.

This Finally Explains Why Most Diets Simply
Can’t Work For Most People

Doesn’t it seem like everyday there’s a new diet plan?

Right now the craze is all about Keto and low carb eating.

But my question is… how do you know if that’s the right choice for you or not?

Because honestly, people have both succeeded and failed using all sorts of diets…

  • Low fat or high fat…
  • Low carb or high carb...
  • Low protein or high protein…

It almost doesn’t matter.

Those types of diets might be fine for people who have an easy time losing weight…

Or those who aren’t women over the age of 40…

But as you know they don’t work for everyone.

Which brings up a question I get asked all the time...

“So What DOES Work
If I already Tried Keto or Low-Carb Diets?”

Honestly, it’s pretty simple…

Find something that works WITH your body…

  • Something that reduces your stress so you don’t produce cortisol which makes you store fat after every little thing you eat…
  • Something that is easy to follow, without changing your lifestyle or requiring hours in the kitchen everyday…
  • Something that makes your hormones happy to make achieving your ideal body more effortless...
  • Something that quickly gives you more energy so you can stick to it long-term.

I Present You...

The Mediterranean Lifestyle Program

The Ultimate Mediterranean Diet Program For a Long Healthy Life

The Mediterranean Lifestyle Program is the opportunity you’ve been waiting for. It’s your chance to finally change your life and achieve a body you can love without “starving yourself skinny” and without long boring workouts.

The Mediterranean Lifestyle Program is a combination of the best Mediterranean diet recipes and meal plans that offer you a brand new, SIMPLE approach to weight loss and getting healthy.

It’s specifically for people  who’ve struggled with programs that haven’t worked for them.

It’s for anyone who wants to lose 10… or even up to 40 pounds in the next 8 weeks.

More importantly, it’s for the person who wants to reconnect with their true self-love and FEEL more attractive, more confident and love themselves from the inside out.

I want you to believe, with all your heart, that you deserve to live in a beautiful, healthy body…

What People Are Saying...

"it’s the start of a new way of life.”

“I’m 52 but after doing this program and learning this healthy lifestyle, I feel like I did when I was in my mid-30’s… before I had kids! I haven’t felt this good maybe ever… I feel a lightness and I feel… HAPPY. Plus I have a crazy amount of energy everyday now! This isn’t just a diet plan… it’s the start of a new way of life.”

-Heather M.

"This will jumpstart you back...”

“If you feel bad or out of shape physically, or overwhelmed emotionally, or just plain lost… this will jumpstart you back… this is like getting a clean slate in life. However you do have to WANT this for yourself. You can’t expect to look better and feel better without making changes, and taking the chance FOR YOU.”

-Amber N.

"People tell me I look great!"

"I feel so much lighter, and beginning to be more energetic. My clothes are baggy and/or fit better. People tell me I look great! Although I didn't stick to the plan 100%, I feel amazing."

-Shirley B.

YES! You got this Shirley!

And messages like this is WHY I put everything into serving the people who join the Mediterranean Lifestyle Program...

Now, you may still be wondering if the Mediterranean Lifestyle Program is for you, so let me first clarify who this is NOT for…

The Mediterranean Lifestyle Program is NOT for you…

  • If you enjoy lifting heavy weights while being stared at by prying eyes…
  • If you only want to eat once or twice a day and love being hungry and deprived of JOY…
  • If you only want to eat once or twice a day and love being hungry and deprived of JOY…
  • If you LOVE the sound of grunting and the stink of a busy gym...

I get it… some people enjoy all these things.

You can find them doing olympic style lifts… flipping tires… and eventually, nursing injuries.

But like you’ve seen today…

You can achieve a healthy body and life, without punishing yourself!

So if you’re in the mood for something different…

  • If you want to feel GOOD about the way your body looks, feels, and moves…
  • If you want to eat delicious, soul-satisfying meals up to 6 times a day…
  • If you want to soothe your body, mind, and soul through gentle movements and meditations…
  • If you want to step into the kitchen with confidence, knowing you’re eating healing, anti-inflammatory foods that are easy to make and take almost no time at all…
  • If you want to get stares from strangers asking “what’s her secret?!”...

The Mediterranean Lifestyle Program Is For You!

And it’s SO simple to follow…


Weekly modules are released every 7 days and consist of all new videos, worksheets, bonus materials  covering the week’s Mediterranean how-to and medical topics from A-Z. Members can view the videos and lessons. 

Get immediate access to Week 1 when you join!

Week 1: Mediterranean Diet – Secrets to Success

  • The overview of the Mediterranean Lifestyle Program...
  • Testing your olive oiI ...
  • What to eat to boost your energy, clear your mind, get better sleep, balance hormones, end your cravings and heal your body...
  • and more...

Week 2: Switchin 'the Kitchen

  • Eating the right fruits and vegetables...
  • No more processed foods ...
  • How to stop cravings...
  • and more...

Week 3: A Plan as Unique as You Are

  • The healthy fats that you need...
  • Beans, nuts, and seeds...
  • How to influence your metabolism...
  • and more...

Week 4: Herbs & Spices Inventory

  • How to make herbs & spices work for you...
  • Gluten free and whole grain secrets...
  • How to find your dietary fat threshold...
  • and more...

Week 5: No Calorie Counting, Portion Sizing Secrets...

  • Master the art of no calorie counting...
  • Steps to free yourself from the diet mentality...
  • Discover how to connect what you eat with how your body feels so you can nourish yourself well ...
  • and more...

Week 6: Mediterranean Lifestyle

  • The Daily Routines of the Mediterranean people...
  • Boost your confidence and discover a whole new zest for life...
  • Self-care techniques to feel great, boost confidence and be healthier...
  • and more...

Week 7: Alcohol, Cholesterol, The Heart..

  • How drinking this alcohol is good for your health...
  • The right drinks to better immune system...
  • How mediterranean affects your cholesterol, arteries and blood pressure...
  • and more...

Week 8: Mediterranean For Life

  • Long-term success and maintenance after achieving your goals...
  • Aging gracefully with Mediterranean...
  • Love your body, ditch restriction and guilt, and start loving  yourself...
  • and more...

This is the best

Mediterranean Diet Program ever created...

I believe this special Mediterranean Lifestyle Program is the best program for anyone getting into the Mediterranean diet.

It’s designed to teach you how to transform THE WHOLE YOU – your body, mind, and emotions – with special focus on creating the healthy body of your dreams.

The meal plans, challenges, and meditations give you everything you need to lead a healthy lifestyle that’s easily sustainable, because at no time are you starving or suffering.

It’s my #1 goal to help you not only look better, but feel better every single day.

My hope for you is that you’ll look in the mirror after 8 Weeks, and smile, because you truly do love your new "healthy you". I hope the way you feel in your own skin and the positive outlook you have becomes your new measure of success!

So when you think about it…

You really can’t put a price on this type of transformation. It’s something that can carry you forward and keep you on the path to better health and genuine happiness for many years to come.

You get EVERYTHING you need to get started for the next 8 weeks – everything is laid out for you, all you have to do is follow the steps.

Now, the total value of this program is $597.

But you won’t be paying ANYWHERE near that when you join!

For a limited time only, the Mediterranean Lifestyle Program is discounted to $397, but if you

JOIN NOW you can get in for…

Just $397 $97

100% Money Back Guarantee

It will definitely take some dedication, but if you stick with it, I am so confident that you will see the results you are looking for - just like so many others before you - that I'm willing to let you try out the program for the full 60 days risk-FREE! If you aren't completely satisfied with how far you've come, contact me by email within 60 days and I will refund you 100%!

Submitted photos from users who took the program

"The beauty of this lifestyle is the effortless maintenance"

"I was banging my head against the wall. I couldn’t understand why I wasn’t able to control my weight when I was so accomplished in other areas of my life.
After I found out the Mediterranean diet is the #1 diet. I purchased the Mediterranean Lifestyle Program. After taking it I lost 40 pounds. The beauty of this lifestyle is the effortless maintenance. This program changed my life!"

-Joanne D. 

"The first week I lost 9 lbs and found it was easier than I thought."

I feel like I have been overweight my whole life. Last May I was in pretty bad shape and in a lot of pain. I weighed in at 257 lbs  and I am 5’1” .

The first week on the Mediterranean Lifestyle Program I lost 9 lbs and found it was easier than I thought. I am happy to report that I am down 45.5 lbs altogether. I still have a way to go to get to my goal but I am motivated to stay on track. I have gone from a size 24 to a size 16! I am walking almost every day and I am no longer using the elevator at work.

-Lindsey A.

"My doctor told me my that my cholesterol has lowered and I'm feeling healthier than ever."

In August last year, I was 279 lbs and I am 5’8″ I turned 47 right after I started The Mediterranean Lifestyle Program. I am now 175 lbs

I implemented everything and was very strict with myself to follow recommendations. Furthermore, my doctor told me my that my cholesterol has lowered and I'm feeling healthier than ever. It was an amazing experience. I can now say no to sweets and bad food. I have attached my pictures and hope it will inspire others. I will never go back.

-Melissa A.

*Testimonials are from individuals who purchased the Mediterranean Lifestyle Program.
Individual results may vary and may not be typical or representative of what you might experience.

And That’s Not Including All the Stuff
Money Can’t Buy…

Like falling in love with your new body every time you look in the mirror...

Or the satisfaction of sliding into a favorite pair of jeans you haven’t worn in years…

Or the joy of being able to eat your favorite foods and enjoy every delicious bite without feeling guilty…

Or the thrill be being able to go on a nature walk knowing you could walk circles around people 10 years younger than you…

Or just the confidence of knowing that you’re taking care of your body in the best way possible…

Personally, I think that’s worth much more than $597.

But with that being said…

I want to make sure you’re confident about your decision when you join the Mediterranean Lifestyle Program.

If you join today you'll also get these Bonuses

Secret Bonus #1- 4-Week Mediterranean Plan

(Value $127)

  • The 4-week Mediterranean diet meal plan covers breakfast, lunch, and dinner?
  • Easy-to-print and use
  • Daily plan designed to help you be on track
  • Helps you get started on the Mediterranean diet immediately
  • We've done all the hard calculations and planning so you don't have to!

Secret Bonus #2- 30 Mediterranean Meals In Under 30 Minutes Cookbook

(Value $67)

  • Every recipe takes 30 minutes or less from start to finish - some are much quicker!
  • 40+ delicious Mediterranean Recipes combined to create over 30 Mediterranean meals that take 30 minutes or less to make!
  • Easy-to-find, common ingredients (low inflammatory, dairy-free,)
  • Bonus Mediterranean DESSERT recipes + tips for faster Mediterranean meals
  • Beautiful full-page color photos of every recipe

You get all the bonuses absolutely FREE only if you join The Mediterranean Lifestyle Program right now!

… all for a one-time payment of just $97.

That’s a 47.19% discount!

And a $352 total savings.

Plus, your investment is backed by our 60-day money back guarantee.

That way you can go through the entire program… for the next 8 weeks… and if you’re thrilled with the dramatic transformation in your mind, body, and spirit, simply contact our customer service department for a 100% refund.

I hope you join us, and become our next success story. Remember, participants, on average, lose 18 pounds… 6 inches… and 2 dress sizes… During the program!

To claim your spot, click below...

Just $397 $97

This is why normal, everyday women

are getting results like this…

So now you’ve got a choice...

  • Do nothing and give up - Then look back in 8 weeks and realize you had the chance to make one important decision, to try a proven program risk-free that’s already helped thousands of women step fully into their self-love...
  • Keep doing what you’re doing - And keep struggling with diets and workout programs that don’t work and watch your metabolism get slower and slower as the years go by, instead of joining the others and discovering how to feel comfortable in your own skin…
  • Or you can join The Mediterranean Lifestyle Program risk-free and enjoy one of the most effective, life-changing transformation programs, backed by real science, and filled with success stories of men and women losing up to 26.6 pounds in 8 weeks…

So go ahead, join the Mediterranean Lifestyle Program, and become our newest member by clicking here. The next 30-60 seconds could change the rest of your life so go ahead and order right now.

It’s time to put an end to your suffering, and it’s definitely time to drop the baggage that’s been holding you back.

Here’s to a healthier, happier, more amazing you.

Just $397 $97

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

This sounds amazing how do I know it will work for me?

This answer varies for everyone depending on many different factors. In fact, here’s why you’ll want to consider taking advantage of this offer…

  • You’ll discover how to eat more food and avoid devastating hunger for good…
  • You’ll discover how your body works and how to overcome what’s holding you back both physically and mentally…
  • The Mediterranean Lifestyle Program includes proven strategies for getting your mind in the right state to make your journey so much easier.

How can I get the best results during the program?

Great question. The simple answer is simply follow the program. See, we’ve already helped over hundreds of women drop an average of 11 pounds… 6 inches… and 2 dress sizes in just 8 weeks. This program is the best of everything we’ve learned along the way.

You won't even feel like your on a diet.

How does the guarantee work?

Simple. You get a full 60 days to try the program and if you’re not satisfied for any reason, simply send me an email and I’ll refund your investment immediately with no questions asked.

Just $397 $97

Copyright 2022, The Mediterranean Eats.