Why You Should Consider Gastric Bypass Surgery

Losing excess weight can transform your life on the physical, social and emotional levels. However, in some cases, weight loss surgery is the only way to shed those unwanted pounds. One of the most effective surgical procedures is gastric bypass surgery and can produce amazing results.
Obesity is a condition which drastically lowers the quality of your life. It can causes serious health problems and makes many of the simple pleasures of life impossible. For example, choosing fashionable clothes and swimming are generally off-limits. If you find yourself in this condition, don’t despair. Gastric bypass surgery may offer a solution to your dilemma.
Gastric bypass surgery is known as a restrictive/malabsorptive procedure. This means it combats obesity in two ways. Firstly the size of the stomach is restricted resulting in you taking in less food, and secondly a bypass of some part of the digestive system is carried out. This bypass reduces the amount of calories absorbed by the digestive system. This type of surgery has been shown to produce the greatest weight loss in the fastest time. Now, let’s look at the procedure.
The most established and commonly-performed type of gastric bypass operation is called a Roux-en-Y. Here’s how it works.
First, a section at the top of the stomach is completely closed off with staples to form a pouch. When you eat, this pouch fills quickly and sends a message to the brain to indicate it’s full. Thus you feel full and stop eating after just a small amount of food.
Then, a new opening is formed in this pouch and a section of the small intestine is cut and attached to this new opening. Thus the food bypasses most of the stomach and a section of the small intestine. This results in drastically reduced absorption of calories. The surgeon will determine the length of intestine to be bypassed based on the amount of weight that needs to be lost.
Gastric bypass surgery is highly effective. Reductions of 80 per cent of excess weight in the first year are common. On average, a patient will lose up to three quarters of his excess weight in the two years following gastric bypass surgery. But the benefits will come far quicker, especially if you suffer from diabetes or high blood pressure. Your physical condition will improve and along with it, your self-confidence.
What’s more it’s relatively safe. The procedure can be carried out using laporoscopic (keyhole) or open surgery. However, like any form of surgery it comes with its own risks. Some general problems that occur rarely include anemia through loss of nutrients, leakage, and infection. Your doctor can advise you on ways to minimise any risk and so make your operation as safe and easy as possible. Bear in mind too that gastric bypass surgery requires lifelong changes in your diet and lifestyle.
So is gastric bypass surgery for you?
Firstly, you should have been seriously overweight for at least five years. In addition, you should have tried and failed to reduce your weight through traditional methods such as diet and exercise. These attempts should have been serious and prolonged, i.e. for at least six months.
Another factor is that your health is at serious risk owing to your weight. This is known as morbid, obesity and corresponds to a body mass index of over 40 or if you have a BMI of over 35 combined with an attendant medical condition.
In addition, you should not be suffering from any psychological or physical condition that precludes the weight loss operation. Consult your doctor for detailed information.
If you feel these conditions apply to you, the next step is to consult with a doctor specialising in bariatrics (obesity cure). He will be able to determine if gastric bypass surgery is for you. If so he will advise you on the procedure and make arrangements for you.
Losing excess weight can transform your life on the physical, social and emotional levels. So if you’re obese and want to makeover your health and life, call a specialist and inquire about gastric bypass surgery today.